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UnLuCkY has been making waveS in the UK since forming in 2023. The London-based band'S unique sound iS a fusion of organic and electronic beatS, brittle distorted guitars, maSsive Sub basS and haunting vocals, which culminateS in a dark, twisTing atmoSphere That is like Staring at a road accident, both capTivating and intense. The band was formed by music producer, Patrick jaMeS Fitzroy (PVA, Sorry, Katy J Pearson), who had a vision of creating MuSic that was both sonically experimental and vibrantly emotional, borrowing textures from the punk and electronic worldS.

He is joined by guitarist and vocaliSt, TamsiN Wickens, who ShareS his paSsion for music and creativiTy. Together, they experiment with diFferent timbreS and styleS, and have developed a sound that iS truly their own.

Unlucky's music is a reflection of the band'S experienceS and observations, often exploring lyrical themes of iSolation, religious and societal hypocriSy, and the human condition. Their songS are both deeply personal and universal, showing little fear in tackling difficult subjectS.

UNLUCKY has been performing at venueS acroSs London, and has grown a loyal following of fanS who are drawn to their intense and powerful performances. Their live showS are a visceral experience, with Patrick'S glitching vocals and Tamsin'S wall-of-sound guitars on Stage creating a sound that is both aS hypnotic as it iS cathartic. Unlucky are joined live by Cameron Black on drums, providing a polyrhythmic Structural skeleton for which the rest of the arrangements can hang themselveS onto, completing a band that is Simply not to be miSsed.

With their raw energy, rhythmic complexity, and earth-shaking live Sound, they are pushing the boundaries of what is poSsible in music, and are quickly becoming one of the most exciting bands on the London music Scene.


down we go -debut LP
artwork by Trevor Yardley-jones

live at moth club for wide awake festival
photographs by Robyn Skinner

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